Working with Adam was an all around phenomenal experience. Adam gave me direct and honest feedback, and helped me realize how many mistakes I was making in my Survivor audition video. He is a surgeon when it comes to storytelling. He really helped me get clear on what story I was trying to tell the casting directors and how to tell it in an engaging way. I got a ton of value out of these coaching sessions. I strongly suggest working with Adam if you are serious about wanting to get casted on reality tv. Thank you for everything Adam!
Adam has a special set of skills.
You know those times when you tell a story and you can see people’s eyes glaze over as they lose interest. We all do it, even with our most practiced stories.
Adam spot’s the “glaze over” moment inherently, and cuts through all the unimportant fluff. He spots what’s interesting, what’s not, and helped me present my best rendition. I spent days if not weeks crafting something I thought was decent. Adam looked it over, immediately spotted the blah, blah, blah and guided me to the most interesting and important aspects of my story.
I may not get picked this casting cycle, but I won’t be submitting again without Adam’s help.
To begin with, my social media presence is non-existent, so it was purely by coincidence, after sharing my interest in SURVIVOR, that someone shared his casting coach career with me. I think the only nerves I had going to the website was that I'm actually going to speak with someone who knows about SURVIVOR and is part of SURVIVOR! To be clear, I've applied many times and heard nothing but crickets in return, every time.
Little did I know that Adam Klein is a genius when it comes to being real in a conversation and finding out the true meaning of you (me) and discovering intentions behind applying to be on SURVIVOR. I feel energized, motivated, and more passionate about being cast for SURVIVOR after every discussion we have.
It's not all fun and games with Adam. When he told me that my previous application videos all looked like I was just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck, it hurt. He is Brutally honest, but in a kind respectful way. Eyes wide open, I was trying to squeeze so much of me/life into a 3-minute audition video, it was just a mess. Adam helps me focus on key aspects and how to relate stories concisely, with enough emotion, and fully representative of who I am.
The two application videos prepared with Adam's watchful eye and guidance are without a doubt, the two best audition tapes I have submitted. Waiting to hear from casting :)
We meet a lot of people in our lifetime and sometimes you just know if a person is a good person and if a person knows what they are talking about. Adam is both. Based on our collaboration experience, I consider Adam to be a good friend.
No matter your age, I highly recommend teaming up with Adam to not only improve or create an application video for your show of choice, but also to improve your personal self-awareness and benefit your circle of influence! If you really are serious about wanting to be on any show, then you must contact Adam. There is no downside.
I can't wait to collaborate one last time with Adam and apply to be cast on SURVIVOR.
Adam offers a damn good radar system for a Survivor casting process where 25,000+ annual applicants fly all but blind. Reader, a decade ago, he was in your shoes, as a lifelong superfan scouring the internet for tips on how to optimize his own audition tape. Fair to say, he's done and seen rather a lot since then, and the totality of his experience is evident in the expertise he provides. Adam helped me suss out parts of my personality I could have told you were there, never consciously top of mind, and yet invaluable to capture in portraying my most "authentic self." Just as Adam gives feedback on what's great and less-than-great in your tape, with honesty and detail, he also open-mindedly asks "why" you included certain segments. He suggests, but never insists upon, ways you can build upon whatever your answer may be, ensuring you're deliberate about every second of footage you submit. Adam will never guarantee you, personally, a spot on Survivor...but I guarantee you that captivating players will keep getting spots on Survivor after booking sessions with Adam. Maybe I'll be the next. Maybe it'll be you.
Working with Adam has made all of the difference! By myself, I had some idea of how to make a video, but the coaching really helped me learn so much about myself. It reaffirmed things I already knew, and put a spotlight on things that I hadn’t thought of before. We all know ourselves and things that we like, dislike, our dreams and wishes, but finding a concise way to explain our entire selves and our lives in a couple minutes is hard and Adam helped pull that out of me.
Adam was patient, kind but not afraid to critique and find ways to turn a fine video into a fantastic one. And I’ve found success in my own life and with the auditions! Don’t hesitate, do it!
Samantha S
This was my first time working with Adam and I could not have asked for a better experience! He is clearly very knowledgeable about the casting process and what producers are looking for. His feedback was always very constructive, he gave me advice on not only what to change in my video, but how I should go about it. His feedback also always included logic and reasoning that made perfect sense. I don’t even want to know just how cringe my video would have been without Adam’s help lol 10/10 would recommend!
Working with Adam is like a breath of fresh air! Especially for someone like me who has been applying to the show for years and haven’t been able to move past a certain point. It was beyond helpful to get a reliable perspective from someone who better understands what casting is looking for. I am someone who values honesty especially when it comes to constructive feedback for improvement. If you are serious about improving your audition and chances of getting a call back, I truly recommend adam’s coaching! Money well spent, for sure!
Adam is the exact type of casting coach and audition mentor that you need if you're applying for Survivor or any reality TV show. He's honest, he's direct, he's tough in all the best ways. I'm beyond satisfied with my sessions with Adam, he helped me so much.
WORTH EVERY PENNY! I wish I would have done this years ago!
I've been applying to Survivor for years with varying levels of success. But in recent years, I felt that my approach was getting stagnant, so that's when I decided to hire Adam. And boy, was he worth it!
Adam instantly called out that my videos were were too perfect, surface level, and unrelatable. He helped me "dig deep" to reach layers that I had never touched in my videos before, which were much more interesting. The final video hit the nail on the head and stayed true to myself while showcasing me as a robust, intriguing person that would kill it on Survivor.
Adam is a fantastic casting coach! He is kind, sincere, and passionate about casting and storytelling. Whether it's your first time applying or you've been running on the casting hamster wheel for a while, don't waste your time doing it alone. HIRE ADAM...NOW!
I loved working with Adam, and my audition tape is 100x better with his coaching than it would've been without. He helped me find a clear and unique story to tell and execute it to the best of my abilities. I was on a time deadline, and we worked incredibly efficiently in our sessions. He gave honest and direct feedback that improved my video as much as possible in the time we had. His unique insight into this process, knowing what works and what doesn't, what casting agents are looking for v. what they've seen a thousand times, was also invaluable. And the sessions were very fun! Even if I don't get a callback, I enjoyed the process and learned a lot about myself and how I want to present myself.
H. M.
Stop overthinking and just go for it! Adam is brilliant and sees things I never would have noticed on my own. It’s clear why he won Survivor! He pulled out a story from me that I’d buried so deep, I’d almost forgotten it happened. The audition video I made before working with Adam feels like a ROUGH rough draft compared to where I am now. Adam’s guidance was invaluable – I couldn’t recommend him more for anyone serious about making a standout casting video.
Adam Klein has a true passion for casting coaching. I couldn't get enough of his feedback so I doubled my session's time on the spot, since I've worked with him every year and my videos get better and better. I can tell! I always get incredibly helpful feedback. Simple yet eye opening do's and don'ts for future videos, as well as specific areas of improvement tailored to my unique areas of growth. Talking to Adam was instantly comfortable. Working with him has turned into chatting to a friend I've known for years. He also dove deep into interesting parts of myself to showcase. Adam will help you present your best self. He instantly identified BS too. He politely called me out for showcasing what I thought casting folks could be looking for but isn't authentic to my true self. His talents are not just about helping you get cast on a show, it's about learning to present your best self, increasing your confidence and harnessing your elevator pitch for future opportunities life may offer you. I appreciate you Adam!
Adam's coaching has been invaluable. He was able to quickly diagnose all the things I had been doing wrong in my video and offer actionable advice. He is friendly, and a pleasure to work with. I am so happy I decided to reach out to him.
Despite years of applying I had never heard back from casting once. After Adam helped my with my video I was contacted shortly afterwards. I was flabbergasted. I had already felt that there was so much value added to my video from Adam and I truly understood how to better present myself, but this was just a validation of it all. I am extremely thankful. He is fantastic at what he does.
A. C.
Adam was SO helpful in crafting my video. His feedback is rapid fire and direct, but because of that you are able to maximize every single minute of your time with him. Make no mistake though, he's your #1 supporter and wants to help all of his clients succeed! Even though I had heard the saying "show don't tell" when it comes to audition videos, I struggled with how to implement that into my video until I worked with Adam. Adam's advice is a game changer for Survivor audition videos, but I can also see myself applying it to things like an elevator pitch, a wedding speech, or any other public speaking engagement. 11/10 recommend!
Above all else, Adam is easy to work with. He has such a nice way of setting up every encounter to feel comfortable and natural. It is like talking to a friend. For most of us, the experience of putting together an application holds the weight of the world and comes with mountains of pressure. Working with Adam helps evaporate that pressure, and Adam does a great job of really making sure you are working toward success.
I feel more confident than ever about my chances to chase this dream, and I credit Adam greatly with that feeling.
Adam does a great job of helping you understand how to present your best self in an audition. His feedback is direct, precise, and actionable, and over the course of a few sessions I saw wild improvement in my audition videos. It's hard to talk about yourself with no direction, so having an external party help craft your story is immensely helpful. He's able to confirm what is, for lack of a better word, interesting about you from a stranger's perspective, which is hard to come by otherwise. I'm feeling very confident going into this casting round and am grateful for the help!
I met with Adam over the span of several months, working together to create a Survivor audition video I was very proud of. I was coming off the heels of a very challenging couple of years in my life, so outside of his help with creating my video, he helped me gain back the confidence I had lost due to my life circumstances. Adam was honest in his feedback and asked me deep questions about my "why" which went above and beyond just creating the videos. His feedback was always helpful and ultimately, he helped me submit a casting video I'm very proud of. In our meetings, he taught me how to be more excitable and be able to share all the amazing things I've accomplished in life (and be proud of them!)...which helped my video submission but also helped me interview for jobs in my 'real world' job. Adam has always been a favorite player, and I'm grateful for the invaluable help he's given me in my Survivor journey.
After a few years of audition tapes, I'd been in a bit of a rut with my narrative storytelling and style. A few sessions with Adam gave me a fresh perspective on how to tailor the best version of myself to the casting process, and I feel like I have a much better framework for approaching this tricky problem.
Adam is great at approaching casting from multiple angles, and during a single session, you can expect to get meaningful and actionable feedback on your overall video structure, specific phrasing and emphasis, and even tiny physical ticks. After incorporating all of this feedback, I was able to create a video that I feel is more authentic to myself and more engaging for the viewer as well.
My experience working with Adam was INCREDIBLE. From June until September, my Survivor audition video improved dramatically and I cannot thank Adam enough. We built trust starting in our first session, which allowed us to be honest with each other across 5 total sessions. Adam is ever prompt, responsive, thorough and direct. He is a brilliant storyteller and I would be so lucky to follow in his footsteps. Thank you, Adam!
Thanks to our 30 minute session working on my pitch for a "Survivor" open casting call, and my subsequent rewatches of the zoom recording, I now can clearly see the skeleton of what my argument would be in a proper 3 minute casting video.
I consider myself very self aware, very comfortable on camera, a good speaker, and a good writer. I have even been successfully cast on a show before without any help. Despite this, what you were able to do in one quick session with me was better than what I was able to do with weeks of effort. I don't think your service is 'how to game the system;' I think your service is to help people see *why* they are a good fit for the show they're applying for, and *how* to communicate that effectively in a short video. Your ability to do that very well, and very quickly, is honestly dumbfounding. It's one thing to see your general advice on this stuff but it's another thing entirely to have you work your magic one-on-one.
As you know, I already submitted an online application for this cycle prior to working with you, and need to wait until next year to reapply in that format. You'll be hearing from me again, either to book a full package for next year's audition cycle, or if I get a callback from the open call we prepped for, whichever comes first!
I've worked with Adam for multiple years and could not recommend it more for any reality tv hopeful. He immediately saw I wasn't being 'me' in my first video, and helped me understand how to sell the most compelling parts of who I am. Every year the coaching was fresh and got me to another level. Additionally, his advice through the process was invaluable, and was crucial in me continuing to advance for my favorite show. However, the most important thing to say about Adam is that he is not just a former reality contestant looking to make empty promises for a few bucks. He truly cares about his clients; he took time out of an important life event to call me for an hour and debrief after I was cut, without me asking. Even if I never get on a show, I've noticed the skills I've learned paying in my career and personal life. Work with him!
I've worked with Adam for 2 years now and have seen a major change with my video style. He helps bring out my personality in ways I couldn't have done alone. He makes these videos so well, he really knows what he is doing.
While my audition videos improved considerably due to Adam's coaching, lets forget that for just a moment.
Adam has an incredible talent for uncovering who you are through watching your video and talking to you- He drew attention to things that even I didn't know about myself and in turn this enabled a lot of self reflection and growth as a person. Even if you don't want to be on Survivor, his sessions have amazing value from a life coaching perspective.
I’ve worked with Adam over a number of years and he is by far the best resource you can find for reality tv audition coaching.
Adam's coaching has not only helped me improve my audition videos, but also made me a better storyteller and public speaker. He is honest, direct, and truly understands how to highlight the essence of who you are.
Adam will help you identify the core aspects of your life that make you unique and turn them into authentic selling points that casting producers are looking for. His perspective challenges you to think deeper about your narrative, ultimately leading to stronger, more compelling auditions. I highly recommend working with him!
With the help of Adam’s coaching, I was able to create a video I am proud of. The brainstorming helped unlock the stories that have shaped me and allowed me to present my most authentic self on screen. Adam is someone that will tell you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear, and that is tough to find if asking family and friends. Not only that, but after hearing about the qualities that make you who you are, he knows which of those qualities are best suited for the show you are applying for and is able to help you highlight those in an engaging way.
This experience exceeded all my expectations. Adam’s feedback is refreshingly honest, providing both positive and constructive critique without any sugarcoating or saying what you want to hear.
The progress between my first video and the one I submitted to the show was significant. Even if this isn’t my time, I now have a strong foundation to build upon.
What truly stood out, however, was Adam’s genuine care. He took the time to ask about something personal I was dealing with, and his concern and thoughtfulness might be the most valuable part of the whole experience.
Much appreciated and definitely recommend.
Working with Adam has been an absolute game-changer for me. His guidance was consistently insightful, and every piece of advice he shared helped elevate my videos to new heights. What truly sets Adam apart is his ability to provide not just feedback, but actionable, detailed examples that brought clarity and direction to my work. His storytelling prowess is remarkable, and through his coaching, I've become a far more effective storyteller myself. His enthusiasm, professionalism, and commitment to helping me succeed were evident at every step. Adam's support has been invaluable, and I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Working with Adam was an incredible experience! I highly recommend scheduling a brainstorming session (or two) with him. He has a remarkable ability to take your life story and uncover the key personality traits that truly define you. It’s amazing what he can achieve in just 30 minutes!
Adam is genuinely gifted. Throughout the entire application process, he was professional, and communicative, and offered personalized support that made me feel like I was his only client. I never felt rushed or overlooked—just fully supported every step of the way.
Adam has taught me how to be concise but still tell a compelling story! I have been applying for years now, and after one call with Adam I finally got a call back. My videos went from 5:00+ minutes of little detail, to 3:00-3:30 videos packed full of engaging detail and perspective. However, if I NEVER get cast on the show I would still value the skills that Adam has taught me. You can be successful in any career field if you can tell an engaging story without rambling on and on to get a point across. Highly recommend working with Adam regardless of the step you are in with your casting or career journey.
I knew Just what to do, so why did I need any kind of coaching? After a few attempts and a few audition videos sent in on my own, I thought if I'm going to continue this, I better get serious and look into getting some help / advice. I'm so glad I did! Adam will not hold anything back. He tells it like it is. He asked questions to get into what really makes me who I am and uses that information in an example of how to exactly use it to my advantage. He looks at previous videos and gives constructive criticism on what can be improved as well as compliments what already works. Using Adams advice, I have made an awesome audition video that I know will get attention. You will not go wrong with Adams services; he is a Survivor Winner and been involved in this for a long time. Thanks Adam, for all the help.