The avatar image for Matt

You are, by far, the most comprehensive, accurate and realistic visionary in the field. Of course, there are other 'luminaries' like Yann LeCun, Ray Kurzweil, Alberto Romero (The Algorithmic Bridge) etc. But no one comes close to your systematic and lucid tracking of the whole gestalt of AI! I get bombarded with calls, emails and newsletters from special interests and salesmen, and thus get quite lost by the competing claims of eminent knowledge. You are the lighthouse in the maelstrom.

The three peoples who’s words I trust most in AI:

Ray Kurzwell - a futurist who’s been in AI longer than any other person.

@dralandthompson - a scientist of intelligence, he’s data driven, and very inquisitive


@sama - read what he says, he’s direct, thinks way ahead


Dr Alan is the goat, his work with Leta AI is amazing. Clearest AI POV on the web

The avatar image for Marc M
Marc M

Thank you Alan. It is people like you that fuel my ongoing excitement and interest in learning all I can in relation to AI. Your passion for this research shines through unlike a lot of my academic friends who are extremely dry. It never is amazing to these sorts until it really is. Keep up the amazing work.

The avatar image for Mike K
Mike K

All signal and no noise. Great work Alan!

Si alguien se pregunta como rinde una IA respecto un humano a la hora de resolver exámenes y tests de inteligencia. Este vídeo del @dralandthompson es una pequeña joya.…



画像は@dralandthompson のビデオから。


qué alimenta la caja negra de IAs como el famosísimo Chat GPT?

TLDR: entradas de wikipedia, libros, revistas académicas, posts en reddit, más...

en qué porcentajes? cómo varían según modelos de lenguaje?

gracias @dralandthompson!


The Final Countdown to AGI : Artificial General Intelligence just got to 42%, this week as per latest updates fro. #DRALANDTHOMPSON #AGICOUNTDOWN #THEFINALCOUNTDOWNTOAGI

Just want to say thank you for all the super high quality info and content you've been putting out on #AI it's really refreshing in world of hype and charlatans, thank you sir

Using @dralandthompson countdown to AGI, and code written by @OpenAI ChatGPT4 to do an exponential fit: We reach AGI by Jan-27

The avatar image for Stephen

Dr Thompson,

I am thoroughly enjoying your work.

stay positive brother
you always teach me new things and make my day happier

your fan,

Shoutout to @dralandthompson for creating and maintaining this!

The other pages include
- graphical comparisons
- chinese models
- list of labs

and more!…


hi Alan - just wanted to thank you for your insight into the development of these LLMs ... what with all the hype around atm, its pretty difficult to get a read of the landscape ahead... youre a welcome high-beam on this lost highway.

The avatar image for Pascal Louis-Marie
Pascal Louis-Marie

very very good job as usual, sharing such top notch curated quality content, so quickly, makes Alan a major actor in the quest of AI democratization. Thank you !

The highly anticipated AI roundup from Dr Alan D. Thompson (@dralandthompson) just came out. You may know him from his @synthesiaIO powered videos where he speaks to GPT3 (Must Watch!)

Also a Former Chairman of Mensa AND Former Head of Sound to Andrew Lloyd Webber

My fav parts:

Phenomenal work by @dralandthompson in cataloguing and describing the large language models produced by the #AI community so far.

thanks for introducing me to text to prompt ai on your YouTube channel. I am an artist who uses photoshop in unique ways. But I feel, as if a child again, a new medium.

In a few hours …

Thx brother! Dennis

The avatar image for Vlad

Dear Alan,

I am absolutely fascinated by what is going on in AI right now. You have restored my sense of wonder and faith in a bright and exciting future.

I am Vlad, a neuroscience graduate from Romania. I am still trying to make the right next step, and I am more convinced by the day that whatever that step may be, it should involve AI. I am just beginning to grasp this field and would appreciate some indications or pointers, such as the ones provided by The Memo.

Thank you so much for everything you do!


The avatar image for Chris D.
Chris D.

I have just finished watching your Leta AI YouTube series, and the accompanying videos on Gato and Dall E and so on. It is amazing stuff. I do think that your work on the Leta episodes is actually valuable, as a model of what a benevolent and emotionally aware AI persona would look like. The prompts you have devised to create “Leta” are a guide to what will be needed in the future.

The avatar image for Dale E.
Dale E.

Excellent Dr. Thompson. I have lived 85 years and witnessed humanity struggle through many changes but nothing since the Atom Bomb is going to affect us like the coming AI integration into our lives is going to do. I find your reporting to be clear and easy to understand.

The avatar image for Dr Jiahui Yu
Dr Jiahui Yu
Google Brain

Thanks Alan for featuring both Parti and Imagen text-to-image work from Google! Nice video, neat and informative!

Mindblowing #Devoxx keynote talk from @dralandthompson about the current state of AI

The avatar image for Ariadne C.
Ariadne C.

Hello. I'm your newest subscriber. In my opinion, the general public will be your biggest investor. Great content!

The avatar image for Steven L. Emanuel
Steven L. Emanuel
Harvard Law

Your advice on AI has just been so extraordinarily interesting to me! I think on my deathbed—which is hopefully many years away—I probably will remember this couple of hours!

The avatar image for M Majieu
M Majieu

Hey Doc Alan,

This is Maji, I'm so happy to have found your content..! Really thought provoking, developmental, and inspiring... Thank you so much for all of it! My intro prompts are often inspired by some of your prompts, and they often have similar elements.
May your ship travel true,
a friend,

The avatar image for Dr Jesse Dodge
Dr Jesse Dodge
Allen AI (AI2)

This is a great resource / summary!

The avatar image for Nathanael

Hello Dr.! I just want to say "Thank you so much!" for providing all the information that you do. I am able to use your videos as an effective way to convey to others the paramount social and human shift that AI is about to have on us. We knew the moment of quickening that happens with initial stages of singularity, and we are there! Right now! What an incredible time to be alive.

The avatar image for Naomi Harding
Naomi Harding

Dear Dr. Alan D Thompson,

I love your video content about ai development, so thanks for that!

I'm an artist & I'm really interested in tracking the progress of ai in my art work. I hope you don't mind that I used a graphic from your site about language models to date.