Looks super cool.


Rewind’s new feature brings ChatGPT to your personal information theverge.com/2023/3/23/2365…

The avatar image for Luis Manrique
Luis Manrique
Principal Product Manager at Instacart

Rewind is an absolute game changer. It’s an actual second brain in capturing everything I’ve seen, said, or heard and I can’t imagine working without it anymore.

The existing functionality is incredibly useful but I’m even more excited about future AI integrations to better summarize past experiences rather than just making them searchable.

It’s pretty much Google for my life.

So far loving @RewindAI ❤️!! Rewind really puts my mind at ease and not worry about living in the moment, it got my back as my memory machine!

So powerful and well done!


I just discovered @rewindai & it's BLOWN ME AWAY! 😮💥

It makes my entire digital life searchable with the click of a button, making linking notes twice as fast. My notes are mostly organized with my takeaways and keywords.

It's already becoming my second brain.


Wrote something, clicked save, closed the page. I came back few seconds later to find out it was not saved and I lost 30 min of work. Opened @RewindAI, scroll back in time, copy text, paste. Pure magic.

The avatar image for Mike M
Mike M
Technical Manager

Loving the use of Rewind. It's proving extremely useful to recall specifics from meetings and grab screenshots from presentations that I forgot at the time. Rewind is becoming a great tool in my toolkit and I'm using it more and more as I realise the benefits. Ask Rewind is a new addition that I've only just started testing, but I can easily see the incredible potential in this particular product feature! Have recommended Rewind to *many* colleagues already.

Ted Bradley
Engineering @ GoodNotes

The most magical thing on my Mac since Time Machine got released. Transcriptions and audio recordings of meetings are incredibly helpful. Often I use the rewind feature rather than going back through my chat or browser history to get back to something

Imagine not forgetting everything you've seen, read or heard on your computer anymore.
@RewindAI is one of the most Creative projects I've come across lately. Now coupled with #chatgpt4, the tool allows you to query your #memory . And not only that: follow me...

The avatar image for Elijah Kleinsmith
Elijah Kleinsmith
Innovation nerd, licensed skydiver.

Really powerful tool with an equally important focus on privacy. I'm so excited to see where Rewind goes.

rewind.ai is a prime example of how AI will eliminate so much redundancy from our lives (and I couldn't be more excited).


Perfect use case for @RewindAI — with ChatGPT history not loading yesterday I could still search Rewind’s perfectly captured history of all my chats.

The avatar image for Andrew Munsell
Andrew Munsell

This is one of those apps that's obvious in hindsight (and you wonder why Apple never took Time Machine or somethin gto the next level), and immensely powerful. My biggest problem right now is remembering what to search for, so there's a lot of opportunity for Rewind to grow into something even bigger with Ask Rewind and other search intelligence. But the best part is, any improvements they make will work with the "stuff" that's happened in the past.

The avatar image for ricardo
building data infra in web3

it took me some time to get used to it, but now I use rewind every day -- it's refreshing not having to worry about taking notes during meetings or losing the progress in forms after closing a browser tab

I’ve been a customer since January and Rewind continues to make my life easier. So many unexpected uses like recovering lost text from a timed-out webpage that be lost forever otherwise. Hope you guys keep maintaining and developing it for yrs to come

The avatar image for Rachael A
Rachael A
Software engineer

This is a unique tool. It’s easier to be productive since I can recall info without the extra brain bandwidth

The avatar image for Jefferson Boldrin Cardozo
Jefferson Boldrin Cardozo
Software engineer at Amazon

Rewind is an amazing productivity software. It has already helped me remember lots of things I'm not sure I could find otherwise, and the upcoming "Ask Rewind" feature, which will add AI searching to what has been recorded should make it even more helpful

Future arrived yesterday. 👇👇👇

Who else besides me wants a photographic memory?

So, so, so, soooooooo cool.

s / o @dsiroker @RewindAI @hunterwalk

Joao Dordio
iOS Developer / Photographer

For folks trying to rely on the Second Brain ideal, Rewind is one of the must-have tools to achieve that. At first, it may sound superfluous, but in the long run, it shows its full potential, of tracing back your steps and never forgetting anything again.

Brian Dillmann

Rewind is so powerful and incredibly easy to use. I'm a huge fan and would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Brendan Genaw
SEO specialist and content creator

When you are balancing various tasks and meetings through your computer, Rewind is a useful tool for returning to important details. I highly recommend using Rewind to help you remember anything and everything that you do on your computer.

.@RewindAI will unlock a level of productivity heretofore unknown to the masses. You work, meet, chat, etc. and it remembers, you need a thing and search its memory and poof there it is.

I have no affiliation, I'm just a user.