Import shoutouts & testimonials from social networks and embed them on your site in minutes
Getting shoutouts on Twitter and other networks? Import them to create a wall of love or testimonial slider in seconds. Show the world that people love you so much, they're talking about you in front of all of their friends and followers
It's free!
How to add curated Tweets to your website
Connect your Twitter account
Shoutout lets you create multiple workspaces and connect Twitter accounts to each one, so if you manage multiple projects or accounts, we've got you covered
Import from your bookmarks and mentions
Browse through your mentions and pick out the good ones. You can also import Tweets from your bookmarks
Publish your testimonials to a wall of love or testimonial slider
Create one or multiple widgets to embed to your site, then paste in a code snipper wherever you want your wall of love or testimonial slider to appear.
More than a way to embed Tweets on your website
Shoutout makes it super easy to collect, organize, and publish testimonials & social media shoutouts
Collect testimonials with ease
Asking your customers for testimonials can be awkward. Make it easy for yourself and your customers with a simple testimonial form (which will soon support video testimonial collection).

Organize your social proof
Managing multiple products or services? No problem! Create separate workspaces for collecting, managing, and publishing testimonials.

Add testimonials to your website
You've done the hard part of collecting testimonials from customers, but they're not useful if no one sees them. Shoutout makes it super easy to add testimonials to your website as a wall of love or a slider/carousel (like the "dark mode" one below).