The avatar image for Niko Pajkovic
Niko Pajkovic

Internet Pipes has blown me away — such a unique and high-value offering. I previously worked as an editor at a trend hunting firm, so I always considered myself an internet sleuth of sorts. But the breadth of tools/tactics covered here has been amazing.

8 Feb 2024
The avatar image for Will Kennedy
Will Kennedy

Steph (and Cal) have done great work on IP. Loving what I've learned and the people I've met so far.

Very satisfied with the investment. Lightning-fast customer service and bonus points for IRL nationwide meetups.

I've discussed and shown this to non-native internet friends, and the first time, they didn't really get it. Then they asked questions about something they saw online, and the AMOUNT of data I pulled for them (for free) astounded them. Happy to say they are now believers.

11 Mar 2024
The avatar image for Shangbing Jiang
Shangbing Jiang

Internet Pipes is literally one of my favourite items I’ve ever purchased! All the tools and resources shared on internet pipes have really shown me how much information is available on the internet and the variety of it!

10 Feb 2024
The avatar image for Derrick Butler
Derrick Butler

Internet Pipes is an absolute winner.

So much juice to squeeze from every section - a treasure trove of practical and actionable strategies, learnings, and tools

This almost never happens for me with online content & courses:

I could not put my laptop down as I read every word and watched every video - and then did something with it!

This content is super well done and thorough, I am so happy I came across this gem!

20 Feb 2024

Internet Pipes with @stephsmithio has been one of the coolest courses I’ve bought in years.

It’s changing the way I think about market research, and I’m finding new opportunities that I never would have before. That’s saying something since I been doing market research online…

Wonnie Park

This is such a treasure. Honestly, initially I was a little hesitant about spending $350 outright, but I treated like a New Year gift and an investment to myself. I can already see that it’s so much more worth than $350.

1 Feb 2024
Jennifer Robertson

I am absolutely loving the Discord and the learnings around Internet Pipes on Notion. It's such easy reading and I'm just in so much shock every time I try a new tool!

26 May 2024
The avatar image for Alexander Brogan
Alexander Brogan

I've only been through some of the course, and it's incredible! It's easily the best course I've taken on the internet.

22 May 2024

Signed up for @stephsmithio's talk on @SmallBetsDotCom and immediately bought @internet_pipes after it.

It's the fastest course I've completed despite it having 50k+ words and hours of video content.

Insane value and it's already changed the way I do research.

J. W. Harris

I've read a lot of business and entrepreneurship books over the years. This is a true gem worth every penny. Internet Pipes is by far the most comprehensive and practical resource for ideation and early market research. The strategy and tools included constitute a masterclass on leveraging the full potential of the internet to analyze or validate any business or idea. Essential reading prior to starting any venture.

16 Jun 2024

Boy have I fallen way, way down the rabbit hole with Internet Pipes 🐰

Rarely buy digital products but @stephsmithio has created a worthwhile and FUN gold mine I'm pretty sure is going to help me wrangle erratic research tasks... and maybe even spark a new idea or two! 👩🏻‍🔬

Spending my Sunday learning spreadsheet mastery from @stephsmithio 🫡💻

The avatar image for Darius Clarke
Darius Clarke
Physician and Entrepreneur

I have gifted and referred several people to this gem of a course. The course delivers a valuable combination of inspiration, insight, and implementation of applying a unique quantitative and qualitative framework to leverage the Internet to create something that people will pay you for. It is the best course that I have purchased in a long time.

28 Apr 2024

Watched an amazing documentary Join or Die 🔥

Core insight: all of our well-being - political, economic, personal, health - depends on how many social support groups we are in!

I know, sounds obvious to some - but it took Bob Putnam YEARS of meticulous research to prove it..…

Last night, I partnered with @stephsmithio to host a film screening in NYC about America’s loneliness epidemic and declining community connections.

And why joining a social club might be the solution. It's called @JoinOrDieFilm

Great watch. Long clubs and communities!

The avatar image for David Zelniker
David Zelniker

Finally had time to deep dive into Internet Pipes. I’m so impressed with the quality and thoroughness of the content you put together. I wanted to acknowledge your hard work and say a big THANK YOU! Excited to be here and excited for what I’m yet to uncover.

4 Mar 2024

Had a great time watching ‘Join or Die’, documentary screening @CapitalFactory tonight!

Big thanks to @nickgraynews for making me aware of the event and to @stephsmithio for hosting it!

Takeaway after watching: Join a club, it’s good for you and for the country!

The avatar image for Camilo Moreno-Salamanca
Camilo Moreno-Salamanca

I had no idea that I was skimming the Internet, consuming surface-level stuff, at the whim of algorithms. Internet Pipes showed me that there is a whole Super Mario-sized world of interesting and useful things out there. It is a before-and-after experience. Steph has done an incredible job at structuring this course so that you are always engaged, never overwhelmed, and getting more and more value. This is the culmination of many years of curiosity and careful curation from her. Oh, and the community is awesome—supportive, no vapid "GM frends," just a bunch of curious people learning to explore the Internet with intention.

15 May 2024

This was how I felt after @stephsmithio's Spreadsheet Wizardry call for the Internet Pipes community.

Can't wait to start flexing these new spreadsheet skills.

"internet pipes" from @stephsmithio is fascinating and really good

its a reimagination of what an online course can be and its a peek into one of the most generative online creators minds

finding myself delighted by going through it now. feels novel!

Watched Join or Die which is all about how joining clubs is correlated with human flourishing. Thx @stephsmithio and @nickgraynews

I keep thinking about church. Belief and attendance are in decline and have been for decades while the unmet need for community and belonging is…

Some of the wonderful humans last night.

Also, big thanks to @shl for hosting us at the @gumroad office!

You know how sometimes you stumble across a random thing on the Internet and it just fascinates you? It's bigger or cooler than you thought it was. How often does it happen? Not often enough. Internet Pipes changes that. It gives you the map of ALL things Internet. Sign up.

Here's a pic from Join or Die Documentary Screening - Boston, MA with @DenLoginoff @KasparsKoo

@stephsmithio getting together in real life on @getriver_io

The avatar image for Mark Fallows
Mark Fallows
Founder, The Impossible Network

Thanks for the amazing event last week. What an extraordinary group of humans. Internet Pipes is more than I ever expected.

17 Mar 2024

Here's a pic from Join or Die Documentary Screening - Austin, TX with @nickgraynews @clayhebert

@stephsmithio getting together in real life on @getriver_io

When @stephsmithio creates something new, you sign up blindly. When she teaches how she researches the web, you wait in a line around the block like it’s 2007 and the 1st iPhone just dropped!

If you want to harness the power of the web, sign up for Internet Pipes… yesterday!

Great meetup for Internet Pipes + The Pathless Path in London, hats off to ⁦@stephsmithio⁩ for bringing an awesome crew together! Ideas a plenty for round 2 💪

Here's a pic from San Francisco Internet Archive HQ Tour with @stephsmithio @Jared_Seidel_

@stephsmithio getting together in real life on @getriver_io

Amazing first day in SF thanks to @stephsmithio whom hosted a tour at the @internetarchive + beers/food after for her community and was kind enough to invite me 🤩