Prabhat Sharma profile photo from LinkeIn
Prabhat Sharma
Founder & CEO @ OpenObserve

Alerting is an extremely important aspect in observability. Many people use prometheus alertmanager. However when you need advanced features it may not be enough. A great alerting solution that can help you is Keep which also happens to be open source. Check what Shahar Glazner is building.

Also, they recently built a cool integration with OpenObserve

Adam Blanchard

Looks fab! Looking forward to following the launch. Love the idea and the simple philosophy behind it. If it's quick to set up, i think you'll be on to something - so people can test it free and quickly.

4 Sep 2024
Shital Gohil

Congratulations on the launch. That's genuinely an ingenious solution! With numerous alerts from various apps, it's challenging to stay on top of them all.

4 Sep 2024
Hashir Ahmed

I'm sure Keep will be a huge hit with DevOps engineers, SREs, and anyone who wants to improve their monitoring and automation capabilities.

4 Sep 2024
Daniel Liechtman

Great work, guys. Anything that could help to reduce the monopoly in the observability/logging landscape is blessed! Already set up my first workflow :)

4 Sep 2024
Gabriel L. Manor

I have been using the Keep OSS for a couple of months now, and seeing the team building it into a fully functional offer is exciting. Keep has already been offered a game-changer value for developers who deal with overwhelming monitoring data, and the new end-to-end workflow offer is the only thing missing in this market. Well done!

4 Sep 2024

High-quality code integrating multiple data sources, aggregating them to solve alert fatigue with Github like workflows

helps you to connect, automate & analyze alerts for your observability stack, while SIGNL4 sends automated alerts from Keep via push, text & voice calls & includes call routing, escalation & more for a quick reaction in critical situation:…

Contributed to @keepalerting…

Added mongodb as a provider and learnt that:

- @photopeacom is so helpful in converting svg to png in matter of seconds

- `.eval` doesn't work anymore with Mongo databases, use pymongo.command('eval'...
[Creds to…